The Black Oystercatcher will be hosting a wine tasting in Napier on Sunday 14 June. The wine tasting forms part of the Patatfees festivities in Napier at the weekend.
The wine will be available at the ‘local is lekker’ market, along with a luncheon on Sunday. The 22nd Patatfees also includes a half marathon, mountain bike races, a vintage car show and a Harley Davison motorcycle show. There will also be craft markets and a potjiekos competition featured at the festival.
The festival is known for its scarecrows that line the streets of Napier between 12 and 14 June. Winners of the scarecrow competition will also walk away with the best of the Black Oystercatcher’s wines.
Booking for the ‘local is lekker’ market luncheon is essential. Visit for more.