Birders: Here’s the 2019 calendar you’ll want

Nov 6, 2018 | Activities, Blog

The Black Oystercatcher bird features in the 2019 Birds of Southern Africa calendar. Check the month of March – where the Black Oystercatcher Wine Farm teamed up with photographer Jenny Parsons to showcase this iconic species.

The calendar is driven by the Tygerberg Bird Club – a group of birders from Cape Town’s northern suburbs. These men and women not only love birds; they use all the funds raised through the calendar to support conservation initiatives.

In fact, as the Black Oystercatcher, we got to know the Tygerberg Bird Club following their support for the Nuwejaars Wetlands Special Management Area (NWSMA).

We’re a member of this conservation venture – where we work to restore our vital wetlands and surrounding natural areas.

The Tygerberg Bird Club has done amazing work, for a long time. They’ve been around for 30 years, surveying and monitoring bird species and numbers, and supporting birding conservation efforts.

And so bringing the Black Oystercatcher to life in this calendar made perfect sense.

There’s another reason why the Black Oystercatcher bird is an obvious choice for the calendar. It was the 2018 Birdlife South Africa Bird of the Year – and so received a lot of publicity recently.

What’s more, its conservation status was DOWNGRADED from Near Threatened to Least Concern – a sign that conservation efforts are working.

To get hold of your 2019 Birds of Southern Africa calendar, visit our Gift Shop. Or order them online from the Tygerberg Bird Club website.

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